AD6DM-10 has moved to a new machine running Linux Mint with VARA FM (Wine) and packet 1200 (direwolf) dual-mode. The switch is linbpq, and its only function is currently as a Winlink RMS gateway. The sound hardware has been changed to a digirig (from a DRA-50 previously), and the radio remains the same: An Alinco DR-135T on 145.630 MHz at 20 watts. Antenna is unchanged: 21ft up on an outdoor 2m/440 J-pole.
AD6DM-10 station will undergo repair maintenance (the primary computer system needs a hardware repair) and will be offline as of March 28, 2024. Expect to be back online by March 30, 2024. Will update when systems returned to normal operation.
AD6DM-10 Winlink RMS station supports VARA FM and packet. It is powered by solar offgrid power, OSJ J-Pole up 21ft, 20 watts. It is located in CM98hj. Thanks to Walnut Creek CERT, NC6J, and K6AQ for informative instruction in getting this station up.