Re post: Standard Forms Library and Non-Standard Forms
Standard Forms Library and Non-Standard Forms
The Winlink Development Team announces the streamlining of the Standard Forms library. Several forms and form packs have been moved from the Standards Form library to an online repository for individual download.
The benefits of this move are
Smaller Standard Forms library and therefore quicker download
Standard Forms library has become easier to use
Fewer Standard Forms library updates needed
Customization options in Global Folder forms
The decision on which forms to move was based on observation of usage over several months and a user survey in the Winlink Programs Group reflector.
You can find and download non-standard forms and read the installation documentation here:
Please remember that non-standard forms should be installed in the Global Folders > Templates,
i.e. C:\RMS Express\Global Folders\Templates
Using the Global Templates Folder offers several benefits:
Form persistence: forms remain untouched in Global Folders during Standard Forms updates
Customization: users can customize Global Folder template with folders. For example, you could create a folder for ARRL forms, such as C:\RMS Express\Global Folders\Templates\ARRL
Both sender and receiver should have the respective non-standard form installed in Global Folders > Templates to take advantage of the HTML viewer.
Any recipient without the respective HTML form viewer still be able to read the message, but as a simple text file instead of an HTML form.
For practice please see this exercise by Lew AC6SL of ARES LAX Northeast:
You are welcome to share the exercise with your group.
The WDT would like to thank all who provided feedback through the forms survey.
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