N6KZB's blog

Winlink demos and Amateur radio operating day in San Diego area

Members of the Baja radio club, XE2BNC, were invited to participate in a twice yearly event. Groups demo for the public and prospective hams in the parking lot of Frys' Electronics. There were a lot of attendees later in the day. Winlink for local ARES/RACES was a big draw.

See Event Photos

Winlink intro and training in Ensenada Baja CA MX

Winlink intro and 2 hour training class presented in Ensenada Baja CA MX. In Mexico you have to attend many hours at a sponsored course to obtain a certificate to apply for a license. Among theory, regulations, formulas, and radio operations, is also Winlink training as Mexico's FMRE, (arrl), has adopted Winlink as their primary EMCOMM digital system.

The students took the packaged Winlink station and installed it, then were taught how to use Winlink Express. Granted this is only an exposure to the system and software, but it was hands on.

Winlink Presented at IARU region 2 in Chile.

Mexico's President of FMRE [XE2O] Alfonso Tamez, (their ARRL), presented Winlink to the IARU Region 2 conference in Chile.
It was well received by the reports I have obtained. It keeps Winlink in the spotlight as a product for EMCOMM to be used by amateur radio operators .

See Highlight PDF here: Conference info in English

From ARES Newsletter, Oct 19, 2016


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