The 2015 Platinum Club

Platinum bar

We revised our list of loyal volunteer sysops for 2015. Congratulations and recognition is due to the guys who stand above the crowd by operating first-class RMS gateways, and doing it consistently over the years. Their dependable stations form a backbone of reliability unheard of in other circles of amateur radio. They are among the many reasons Winlink is recognized worldwide as a lifeline, and as a reliable means of emergency communications -- when all else fails.

Here they are. Send them a note (click their callsign or address to their and say thanks for their exceptional contributions.

The 2015 Platinum Club of Sysops
On-air in early 2000, on-air today!

Martin, HB9AK
Grady Williams, K6IXA
Eric Simmons, KB6YNO
California Yacht Club Radio Amateur Group, K6CYC and Eric Oistad, KF6DZT
Jerry Curry, KL7EDK
Joel Michello, KQ4ET
Bud Thompson, N0IA
Rudi, OE4XBU
John Burke, W7BO
San Diego Yacht Club Amateur Radio Group, W6IM, and Rod McLennan, W6MWB
Bernie Zindell, WG3G
Earl Leach, WX4J
Neil Hughes, VE1YZ
Hannes Enslin, ZS6JDE

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