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Baja Radio Club XE2BNC Helps Hawaii Communications During SET

CREBC - XE2BNC provided a 20 meter long haul link on Pactor to facilitate Hawaii ARES. http://hawaiiares.info/

The island gateways all see each other well on 40 meters. One drill aspect was to test long haul HF forwarding in the event of regional internet outage.
To this end a reliable communications link needed to be provided from the Islands to the West coast of the US.
Most gateways tend to use omni directional antennas and when bands cooperate connectivity can be obtained on 20 and 17 meters.

San Diego CA Baja CA MX cross border communications drill

County of San Diego Operational Area and Tijuana/Baja California Cross Border Communication Drill
September 17, 2019


To accurately communicate situational reports between locally-stationed governments agencies on both sides of the international United States/Mexico border following disasters under compromised communication environments.
Station CREBC in Tijuana (XE2BNC) had communication links with San Diego EOC.

HF Gateway "XE2HS" being constructed for La Paz BCS MX

FMRE (Mexico's ARRL), along with the Baja CA MX radio club XE2BNC (CREBC), has provided the funding and equipment for the new system.
Being built now and installation planned within 45 days. This system will further improve Mexico's EMCOMM communications posture.


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